Author: editor

We at Ring Bender, in partnership with Geosyntec Consulting’s Portland office, are thrilled to share the success of our recent Chili Cook-Off! This event was more than just a culinary showdown; it was a gathering of community and compassion, aimed at supporting a vital cause – the Campaign for Equal Justice (CEJ).

Ring Bender attorneys Patrick (“Kit”) Bobko, Norman (“Norm”) Dupont and Jay Tufano recently won an appeal reversing an adverse judgment against a municipal firm client, Rubidoux Community Services District (Rubidoux).

On January 9, 2024, the United States Supreme Court will consider the extent to which a municipal entity can impose legislative development-related fees in George Sheetz v. County of El Dorado, California, No. 22-1074 (“Sheetz”).

Ring Bender is honored to be recognized once again by Best Law Firms® in 2024 in Portland, OR and Orange County, CA for the firm’s work in Environmental Law and in Orange County for Environmental Litigation. Three of our attorneys were recognized as Best Lawyers® in 2024, including Norm Dupont, Tina Hein and Jeff Ring.

We are proud to have obtained this settlement on behalf of Orange County. As a law firm focusing in part on waterway and other environmental clean-up and related cost recovery actions, our firm brings considerable experience to clients in need of representation for these and other environmental matters. Read about this case.