Category: EPA Matters

Firm Partners Norm Dupont and Jay Tufano recently contributed to articles in the ABA Section of Environment, Energy & Resources Year in Review.

Ring Bender Partner Norman Dupont will be moderating an ABA panel that will discuss current Supreme Court cases that could could affect environmental regulation in the United States by restricting the administrative powers of agencies like EPA.

Ring Bender and two of its attorneys, Norm Dupont and Sage Ertman, were recognized in an article published by Inside, an online publication and resource which covers EPA and environmental regulations. The May 22, 2023 Inside EPA article entitled “Pending Suit on EPA Aircraft Rule Highlights Lack of Enforceable EJ Orders” explores an article…

In the waning days of the Trump administration, EPA adopted an Aircraft Rule for greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) which did not lower emissions at all for commercial aircraft. Instead, EPA simply adopted standards set earlier by a UN affiliate – the International Civil Aviation Organization. In adopting this Aircraft Rule, the EPA opted to preserve…